What's New at Moore Appraisals

Zone Data Systems Set to Launch!
May 3rd, 2010 8:12 AM

Two years ago our appraisal firm invested significant capital to create a new and innovative appraisal service for our community and our clients. The objective of the venture was to create a local, regional, and national data base of residential properties which could be researched, verified, and analyzed monthly against current market data and market trends. Over two hundred other appraisal firms have joined with us in that new venture.

The analysis is being done on all properties within our market, and simultaneously in the other 200 plus firms across the country. It is a major undertaking, in both capital and time to create and maintain the data; millions of dollars of capital, hundreds of thousands of hours. By Mid 2010 the data base will have been completed and all software will be functioning. We are proud of the investment we are making to improve the service we can provide to our community and to our lender and mortgage broker clients.

Zone Data Systems, LLC (ZDS) has been formed to manage and market the software, data, and resulting appraisal products on a national basis. Our firm is a full partner in ZDS and will market the services locally to our community and our clients. Please visit www.zonedatasystems.com Instant Appraisals website to obtain more information on our exciting new products and services!

It’s one more example of how our firm is working to serve our community and our clients!

One Step Ahead!

Posted in:General
Posted by David Moore (VA#5000929) on May 3rd, 2010 8:12 AMPost a Comment

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