What's New at Moore Appraisals

HVCC and the Mercury Network. Save those important client/appraiser relationships!
May 1st, 2009 12:52 PM

Wondering about the HVCC and what will happen to your appraiser network that you have used for years? The relationships built upon trust and hard work?

Try Mercury Network from Alamode!

The Mercury Network is a free, 100% HVCC compliant solution for managing the appraisal process. You are in control with this solution and better yet, you can continue to use your existing panel of appraisers. That's right, the same people you've built those relationships with.

It’s up to you. Try it today by clicking here....Mercury Network 

Or call our office for more details at (951) 696-7500 today! 

Posted in:General
Posted by David Moore (VA#5000929) on May 1st, 2009 12:52 PMPost a Comment

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